This post describes a dream I had after Fire baptism at church. 'Tricia had prophesied to me that i would have supernatural dreams and would have dreams for the nation (USA) as well. That same night and the following two nights I sure did have some notable dreams. This is the one dream that impacted me most:
In this dream, I remember walking down the corridor of a second story house with many doors. It reminded me of
However, as I begin to type this word, I had no sooner typed the letter P that I felt an enemy of this desire tugging at my heart, something I knew was right. It was so compelling that I listened to it and followed what it was leading me to do. Outside of the dream, it is a feeling that I already know. It is when the Holy Spirit prompts me to do something. I quickly erased the letter P and typed “the truth about Jacob’s lambs” and then pressed enter. I was quickly transported to another world where I was lying on a cliff overlooking an expanse of sea. I soon saw a large silver cross right in front of me embedded on the ground, and my eyes became fixated on dramatic still views (like still photos) of each of the four corners of this cross. First the North end, the South, the East, and the West in succession. I then turned back and saw the devil looking intently at me with a bewildered look in his face. He looked like he had fought a war and this was the end for him. His eyes gazed intently at this cross and his face showing me a defeated and helpless foe. I then turned and looked at the cross fully, it was radiant, a perfectly cut crystal and powerful beyond measure…this was the end of the dream.
I woke up confused about all that I had seen but I had a feeling of victory. I am certain that this dream represented me having victory over the addiction and patterns i developed with sexual sin. There is still much more I want to tell you about this dream, like what "the truth in Jacob's lambs" means, but i don't want this to be a really long post. On another note, I still do not understand why the devil looked like an anime character from the G Gundam Wing series in my dream…(that's a detail for all those who have ever seen this corny anime)...
-RObp.s. if you look at the intro to this post all the sentences begin with T.
Victory! haha isn't it grand when we're on God's side? I'm very happy for your victory..granted, i knew about it before, the happiness of a brother who overcomes is always constant. Awesome dream :)
I remember when you told me about this dream!! awesome!!! have u ever had like open visions? i know u told me that before Tricia prophesied to you that you did have dreams...didnt you?, anyhow was it like they became more vivid after that?
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