Thursday, March 27, 2008

Day !

Is it me or are we doing a 15 Day fast...Everynation CM is about to see some supernatural things happen in our midst, and though you might not believe it i sure fact, i can feel the God in me crying out for more of Himself.........We need more of His very real presence, straight from His throne, to jump out on us and bust up open to the revelation that we will never ever stop getting revelation about who our God is.........good night .

and Yes, i know that there is an exclamation mark instead of a one on the title, but i want it that way..


Raj Moman said...

Man I'm excited about what's going to go down at FSU!! Bring it God!

Working on it said...

I second Rajat's comment. btw-gonna link your page from line kay? Kay. Oh, and you too Rajat.

Anonymous said...

Dude, from the very start of day !, God's been speaking to me in crazy ways! I think this is going to be an amazing two weeks.

'berto said...

AMen, you guys are cool, on fire for God people, "Save the csmpus Save the World!!"